10 Steps to following through on your Goals and Resolutions

  1. Set the Intention or Goal – make it specific.

    • Get clear on what you want and write it down.  Nothing makes an idea more concrete than putting it in writing.

  2. Create a time frame in which you are going to achieve this goal.

    • Until you specify a time frame, your goal is wishful thinking.

  3. Study the habits of people who successfully achieved the same or similar goals. 

    • What did they do to accomplish their goal?

  4. Assess what you have done in your past that worked or did not work to getting you closer to your present goal.

    • What helped you make progress in the past?

    • How did you sabotage your progress in the past?

  5. Look at your current lifestyle habits. 

    • What habits do you need to let go of to accomplish your goal?

    • What new habits do you need to adopt to accomplish your goal?

  6. Create a system of validation that will support your success.

    • It is important to acknowledge your success as you work toward achieving your goals. It will keep you encouraged even when you are not seeing the results yet. Validation could be marking an X on a calendar for each day you worked on your goal.

  7. Create a way to reward yourself for consistently working toward your goal.

    • For example, if I clean out half the garage by mid-January, I will take myself to the movies.

  8. Post your new Intention, Goal, or Resolution in places where you will see it regularly. 

    • fridge, bathroom mirror or dashboard on your car etc.

  9. Designate someone to be your accountability partner. 

    • You will need to share with that person the new goal, intention or resolution and request they help keep you accountable with your follow through.

    • (This is where  Coaching is a powerful resource.)

  10. Before you go to sleep each night visualize yourself succeeding at your new goal.

    • Visualization will build new neurological pathways in the brain that will support you in taking actions that align with your goal.


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